Data Science Analysis

M.S Data Science(2024)

Master of Arts

Exploring the Beauty of Technology and Arts

Hello, this is Meijuan, a dedicated Data Science major set to graduate in 2024. Fueled by a passion for extracting meaningful insights from data, I have developed my expertise in statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. On this website, you'll discover a curated portfolio of my projects, each highlighting my journey and accomplishments in the field.

As I prepare to transition from the academic realm to the dynamic world of industry, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to a forward-thinking organization. I am drawn to teams that champion innovative data analysis techniques, value cultural insights in global markets, and are dedicated to crafting data-centric strategies that propel progress and innovation.

Being Curious

Exploring the world,

Reinventing myself

Data Storytelling

I excel in simplifying complex data into engaging stories with powerful visualizations. Rooted in Data Analytics, my approach integrates advanced tools like Tableau, Python, and Excel to unveil insights in an accessible manner.


I've developed a series of dashboards in my data analytics studies to exemplify my proficiency in data visualization and analysis. They are crafted to turn complex datasets into the intuitive, interactive visual experience.

Data Analysis

I've mastered a wide array of analytical techniques and tools, including predictive modeling, machine learning, data visualization, and statistical analysis. Using R, Python, SQL, and Tableau, I skillfully analyze data, identify patterns, and present insights clearly.

Bridging Bytes and Verse

Balancing a Data Science major with an MA in the arts, my journey uniquely blends the precision of analytics with the nuance of poetry. Through published poems and data-driven projects, I explore the intersection where numbers meet narratives, showcasing the artistry in analysis and the structure in stories.